Tomorrow is Mother's day! I wanted to dedicate a post to my Mom. This has always been a hard day for my Mom, which I am sure has something to do with her Mother dying when she was a little girl and then growing up with a wicked step Mother. But now that she has us, we try and make this day special for her. But This year she was lucky enough to get away with her sisters and go to VEGAS for the weekend! I am so jealous, but I know she is having so much fun.
Mom, I just wanted you to know how much I love you. You are my go to gal! It is such an awesome thing to call your Mom your friend. And you are truly the best. You have always given me the best advice, or let me figure out things on my own. You have given me the courage to grow up and live my life. You are always so supportive of us even though sometimes you may not agree. You are smart, Funny, Kind, and hard working. Such an awesome example to me and my kids. Not only are you the best Mom, I couldn't ask for a better Grandma for my two precious children. For Lucy you gave up a Month of your life to come be with her when she was born. living in a strange place in a strange city, spending your days at the Hospital. I could not have done that without you. You know when to give tough love and when to back off. I appreciate all that you do. Raising 6 kids could not have been easy, but we all turned out so great. AND we still love each other, that is quite the accomplishment. a lot of families don't even talk anymore. I love you Mom and I hope this Mother's day you remember your kids and husband that love you so much. You mean the world to us!
Carolyn, I wanted to thank you for Tyler. You should be so proud of the Man you raised. He is hard working, kind, gentle, funny, and the best Dad. I know I owe that to you. You have taught him all of those things. You have also been a great Mother-in-law to me. We have grown closer this last year and I have so much love and respect for you. You are one tough chick! Thank you for loving my children and calling Lucy just to talk to her. She loves her Grandma Haas so. I wish we could be there to celebrate your day tomorrow, I hope Cody makes it all so special for you. Know that you raised wonderful Boys who will always find their way. They are strong and all so loving. You should be proud to know that you have done all that you can do. I love you and hope you have a great Mother's day tomorrow!
And to all of My sisters, sisters-in-law, NANA, and my friends with children,
1 week ago
1 comment:
I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face. Thanks for the kind words to both your moms Bonnie! I hope you have a wonderful day as well. Thanks for taking good care of Tyler and loving him. You are a super mom to my two grandchildren. Your a tough cookie and will teach them right from wrong and to follow the savior. I love you! Carolyn
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