I need more friends. I miss having friends. Don't get me wrong, Tyler is the best friend I could ask for. but he is gone a lot. I miss My friends I use to have, back when life was simple and we were all on the same page. I have grown up and lost touch, even with the ones i thought would never forget me. The reality is, that is how I feel. forgotten, by the people closest to me, people who I called my "best friends", I don't even think they give me a second thought anymore. I use to be such a social butterfly, i don't know what happened. Somewhere I lost that. Maybe its a self confidence issue, but what happened to them, you know the ones that said they would always be there? Seems everyone is gone. I hate doing things by myself. When I get my "me" time, I have to spend it alone, and I know that is kinda the point, but really all I want is a good girlfriend to shop with or have some lunch with. Don't tell me to go to church either, because I have been. Its not working. The one "friend" that I do have has been busy with her kids and traveling, and she is moving next month. Its times like these where I just wish I lived closer to family. I am missing my sisters tonight.
Any other new young Mom feel like this, or ever have moments like this, please comment, so I know I am not alone. i think I need to go to bed...(sigh)
14 hours ago
I felt that way when you moved. and then we moved to Shelley and our ward was awful. No one even gave us a second glance. Then we had two couple move by us that became such great friends and we found out we were moving to scottsbluff. I was devastated! to say the least. I'm the type of person who makes a friend forever not just for the time being. but when i got here all of the women in the ward were so awesome! Instantly I was invited to play groups, girls nights out and bunco nights. Not rubbing in my awesome ward and friendships just saying that eventually it will get better. It is soooo hard being away from family but girlfriends make it so much easier. Try doing things where you know other young moms will be. Or if you can't find any where you are look in idaho falls. Or there are tons in Rexburg. :) Sorry and good luck :)
sorry bonnie. i know it does get lonely, even if you do have your kids, you need that adult interaction as well. i don't have a whole ton of advice, since you know my personality. :) just know that you're NOT alone. and we miss you too!
Um, I go through that all of the time! It has been really hard to make friends here and as I have started to make different friendships, I still long for that friendship where we can just pop in on each other and let the kids play or just relax in each others' company. The days can get really long when you stay at home with your kids. The days are really long now...Steve basically eats dinner with us and then leaves for the night again to write, write, write. YOU are NOT alone. There are many of us out there who are in the same boat. The kids have spring break next week(oh what a long week it will be)...we need to go to a park and play. love you.
Michelle... next week I am hoping it will be nice enough to go to that park by your house. Meet us there?
I have felt exaclty the same way for like 3-4 years!! Oh we could be friends if we lived close!!
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