Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Bachelorette

I love Ali! And I already know who she is going to Pick! and I decided to write about the show last night. I think she is going to pick Frank.
He is PERFECT for her! they are so cute together, so he gets my vote for sure. Tyler likes Ty. We both think he is the spitting image of Shawn Fife. For those of you who know him....

If you don't see it, its okay. But we see it. Tyler is voting for him.

You know who we hate? Craig and Jonathan. They both should go home. Craig is just there to get some booty and fame. he is a shallow DB. If ya know what I mean. And Jonathan, all he cares about is getting Craig off the show. You wouldn't think that there would be so much Drama in a house full of guys, but boy. so thats really all of have to say about that.


ME said...

hahaha couldn't agree more! I vote for Frank too!!!! I luff him!!! And you! :) Can't wait to see your face!!!!!!!

kayla said...

I love Frank too!! Ever since the beginning of the show Greg and I wanted him to win :).

Annelise said...

Frank is totally my pick! I loved him from the second he jummped out the sun roof of the limo! :-D
He's such a cutie! :-D

Southern Belle said...

I totally was thinking that guy looked exactly like Shawn too! That is so funny!