okay. Some of you already now that we are doing summer sales starting in May. We at first were going to go with Tyler's old boss, Kevin, to sell Security Systems (SS) in Louisiana. The day we were going to sign all the papers, Tyler's old mission companion (Mike) called him up and offered us to go with him to sell Pest Control (PC) in Chicago. Well we had been praying, asking Heavenly Father to give us a sign or something telling us if we should go out with Kevin or not. So I guess we got our answer. Everything that Mike told us and talked to us about sounded a lot more realistic than what Kevin was saying. Selling (SS) to us, seemed a bit shady and wasn't a real honest sell. Where as this company that we will be selling PC for, was very up front and honest with us. He will be getting some of the best men to train him (we believe). We met with the owner last Wednesday and went over all the details of the business- the pay scale, the ins and outs of the business, what our living situation will be like, etc. And then we met with him again today and signed all the paperwork. We just felt a lot better about PC and they say it's an easier sell than SS. So as it being Tyler's first year out, we thought it would be better for him to do the easier sell. We know it will be a challenge and hardwork. We also know that a lot of you have opinions and advice about summer sales. We aren't doing this because we are strapped for money. Tyler has a job here in Pocatello that he can always come back to. We are doing this because we want to, and it just feels right to us at this time in our lives. So those that are there to support us and wish us luck, feel free to comment. Those that have opinions and advice and think negatively about our decision, we've heard it all and it's not going to change anything so it would be a waste of your time to comment. Thanks.
Okay so here is some info:
We will be leaving May 7th after finals to driving there. They are giving us $1,500 for travel and hotel etc. We are going to be putting all of our stuff in storage in Pocatello while we are in Chicago. The apartments that we will be living in, you can look at
here. It will be a one bedroom which is very manageable with one child. But they are pretty dang nice, so I am excited! We will be out there until the middle of August sometime... I don't know what day exactly, but they will give us time to get home and situated again before Tyler starts school on the 23rd. Lucy and I will be flying to Seattle for the Reunion in July and riding down with my parents. We are really excited for this adventure in our lives! It will be fun and exciting to live in a new place and meet new people. And we will be back in August! Of course I will blog about everything and keep everyone updated. Thanks to those that I have already talked to that have given us support and love. This was a hard decision to make and kind of scary to go out of our comfort zone, it took us 3 years to finally take the plunge. Tyler has been wanting to do this every summer, but the timing was never right, and we never found a company that we really felt good about, until now. We are hoping to have a wonderful experience and come back happy :)