Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feelin' good!

Okay since my so called weight goals, I have .... eh hem.... gained 9 POUNDS! seriously? 9!!?? what the? Needless to say I am PISSED. so I am taking that anger and running with it. I am putting it all into my workouts. I have started everything over again, because I let it slip. For like a MONTH. Not  good. I am so not okay with myself right now. So  like I said in my goal post, every morning is a fresh start! Tyler and I have started fresh, again. haha.

Today is day 2 of burning calories, and eating under my 1200 calorie allowance. so at the end of day 2, I am proud of myself! and I have lost 2 pounds :)

Its not much, but it is a start.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


 Remember my New Years Goals?? well I am still improving. Though we are not going to talk about my weight, we are going to talk about my house, and the recent improvements. First... my husband missed the boat on Valentines, but caught up last night... aren't they pretty??

Okay some of the things we have done since recieving our Tax return $$.

1. bought shelves for our laundry closet to organize
2. bought a thing to hang our broom and mop and such
3. bought a desk for studying so we don't have our laptops just sitting around.
4. bought an ottowman for all of our blankets
5. I re-organized all or our kitchen cupboards, you know how when you move in you don't really take the time to think about where things should really go? Well now things are in better more sensible places, and I smile everytime I walk into my kitchen!
6. Today we went out and got canisters for our noodles, sugar and flour, cute huh?

7. while i was cleaning up yesterday I found a bunch of random papers with recipes written on them, so I bought a little recipe box with cards!

It may not seem like a lot to you, but to me these are all things that I have been putting off for a good year now, and i think it really helps with my postpartum I have been having. just little things to spice up and make my apartment more cute and homey :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

belly to back...

I guess this is bitter sweet, yay for Jake for learning something new, but boo that this now wakes him up at night and during naps... i guess we will have to work on the back to front now :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My kids

Look how cute my boy is!

I love it when he lights up when I look at him.

Lucy has been really into painting lately... Our fridge is full of her BEAUTIFUL art, I couldn't be more proud. She doesn't stay in the lines, but we are working on colors. She is very good at painting the right colors.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

One half of a Decade...

And counting. This Picture just about sums up how we still feel about eachother.

Happy Anniversary to US!!