Well I took some new videos of our cute little Lucy, so just wanted to share them. She has learned how to get around, and loves to blow kisses. She also is now up to 5 teeth! At our last Doctor's appointment she weighed almost 19 lbs, and was 29 3/4 inches tall. She is doing so well after all that she has been through. Our family has been greatly blessed. We are headed to Boise tomorrow to meet Grandma and Grandpa Jones for a wedding. We are very excited for that! Tyler starts the fall semester on the 8th. He is doing very well at Lexington Law, has gotten 4 promotions in the last 4 weeks, they just love him everywhere he goes! I am doing well with Mary Kay. I got brave and chopped my hair, and added some new color to it. I actually LOVE it! Hope all is well with everyone, have a great Labor Day weekend!!
1 week ago